

I'm finely sick today.

I'm finely sick today.


沖縄県に住む作者は、自身の病気のことや病院での経験を、これまで趣味で漫画に描いていました。ある日、ひょんな事からその漫画のウチナーグチ版と英語版を自主制作することに!「解離性障害」という心の病気を抱えた作者が描く、実体験漫画の英訳版! 全144ページ An author living in Okinawa has been creating manga as a hobby, illustrating their experiences with illness and life in the hospital. One day, through a twist of fate, they decided to self-publish both an Okinawan dialect version and an English version of their manga! This is the English translation of a manga based on the real-life experiences of an author who struggles with dissociative disorder, a mental health condition.
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    沖縄県に住む作者は、自身の病気のことや病院での経験を、これまで趣味で漫画に描いていました。ある日、ひょんな事からその漫画のウチナーグチ版と英語版を自主制作することに!「解離性障害」という心の病気を抱えた作者が描く、実体験漫画の英訳版! 全144ページ An author living in Okinawa has been creating manga as a hobby, illustrating their experiences with illness and life in the hospital. One day, through a twist of fate, they decided to self-publish both an Okinawan dialect version and an English version of their manga! This is the English translation of a manga based on the real-life experiences of an author who struggles with dissociative disorder, a mental health condition.